Hello all! Well ladies by now you should have received an invitation to my Tastefully Simple Party on October 3rd at 4 p.m.
You might be wondering what Tastefully Simple is, and how I heard of it, etc. I thought a blog post would be a good way to inform you all about the company, the products, and why I'm excited to share it with you!

I first heard about Tastefully Simple via one of my online FIRM Believer friends (Pattie Hughes)who is a consultant for them. I had browsed the Tastefully Simple websit

e, but never got up the nerve to try the products. It was something I'd never seen before, unlike any of the other in-home product parties I'd ever been too. I've been to candle parties and cookware parties, but never one that sold food. A deal came up where I could get some free stuff if I spent a certain amount of money and I just had to try it out. I ordered several items, which included two different drink mixes (or as I like to call them buckets o' booze), a seasoning product called "Garlic Garlic" (those that know me well, know I couldn't pass that one up!!), salsa seasoning, a Berry Buckle Cake mix, and guacamole mix. I'll tell you what, not one of these items was a disappointment. Every single thing was so fabulous, I couldn't believe it! The drink mixes came in flavors I'd never even thought of, Mango Breeze and Blueberry-Pomegranate. The cake mix was fantabulous as well as the other items I purchased.
Now for the best part, everything is so easy to make! Most of the recipes only take one or two extra ingredients. For example, the Berry Buckle Cake was SOOOOO easy and fast! All I had to do was add some water to the mixture and then have a little bit of melted butter on hand.

Then I just popped it in the oven and that was it! These days with Lynsie Jean to chase around, I'm ALL about easy cooking and baking!
The salsa mix, all you need are some canned tomatoes (or tomatoes fresh from your garden) and you just mix it up with the seasoning. So good!!!

Anyway, these are just a few of the items they have available and a ton more were just introduced in the Fall/Winter catalog. I can't WAIT to try the Gotta Lotta Garlic Salsa, the Ruby Orange Drink Mix, and of course the Cranberry Tangerine Cheesecake mix.
At my party I'm going to have a buffet of different things to try and really, it's going to be a laid back time to eat and drink and chat it up with the ladies. I hope you can all make it. If you can't but are still interested in ordering, you can do so online or I can get you a catalog and order form.
If you feel like browsing through the Fall / Winter 2009 catalog, here is a link to all the delicious goodies you can get. It's a great time to be thinking about the holidays... whether it be to give some delicious treats as a gift or to help make things a little bit easier on you in the kitchen this season. Enjoy!!