Anyway, I figured she'd been loving on her baby and taking care of her baby and even putting her to bed with her at night, so she might be ready for the cradle. I was wrong... she wanted to be that baby sitting in it. LOL! Here are some pictures... I couldn't get her to smile more then 1 time for the camera because she is in a phase of wanting to actually HOLD the camera and would throw a fit everytime I pulled it out. Good times!
The other baby in the cradle:

The one smiling picture I was able to get:
Coming at me for the camera....
Getting mad because Mama wouldn't let her have the camera:
Lynsie took this one... nice composition, eh? Haha!
So for now I think the cradle will go back in the attic once I get the sweet 80s fabric "mattress" cover washed. We'll bring it back out later this year to see if she is more prepared for playing with it. I'm not ready to deal with her trying to surf in it like she was the other day. She just about busted her butt a few times standing up in that thing. HAHA!

LOL! Nice! Love the photo that Lynsie took! ;-)