As I type this, John is doing his first workout of the second phase of P90X. He is working hard with these workouts and I'm impressed and proud he has stuck with it and is actually moving to the next phase. He tells me he has lost 8 lbs so far, which is pretty impressive for only 4 weeks. I can definitely tell he has lost some weight in his face and tummy. We previewed the first workout of the second phase which is Chest, Shoulders, & Triceps and it looks killer! I'm pretty sure he is going to be sore tomorrow... or possibly even by tonight! This video has friggin' one armed pushups!! YIKES!! I was able to do 2 on my knees but that was it. For me that was pretty impressive... thanks Chalene!!
I'm currently in the LEAN phase of ChaLEAN Extreme (my second round of the program) and I'm so strong. I love it!! Really, I have been trying not to stress about my weight and worry about inches lost. During the last phase, which was PUSH, I lost 3.5 inches off of my body but only lost a couple of pounds. Not bad! PUSH is by far my favorite month. I love lifting those heavy weights knowing the results it's bringing me.
Lynsie is growing like a weed and her little baby mullet is filling in as well. Today she let me put a pony in her hair and I couldn't believe how long it's gotten since the first one just about a month ago. Right now she is looking forward to a week long of Papa & Nana time while Tasha and family are on vacation. I know there is alot of fun in store for her which will include the park, swimming, and even Enchanted Forest (which mama will be tagging along for). The for the second week of Tasha & Family's vacation, John and I are taking the time off and spending half of it around the house and the second half will include Lynsie's first visit to the Oregon Coast. Can't wait for that, should be so fun! Cross your fingers that the weather gods are nice to us that week! Haha!
In other news, I finally took the plunge and ordered myself a new digital camera. I am beyond excited for it to arrive, which I'm hoping happens this coming week. It's a Nikon P90 and so awesome! I can't wait to get it, play with it, and of course share some great pictures with all of you!

Well, I'm going to work on getting some videos uploaded so stay tuned and hopefully we'll have even more Lynsie videos to watch!

Ooooooo new camera...I'm jealous. I'm very tempted to buy a DSLR right now but that would use up a considerable amount of my vacation money so I'm resisting...for the time being, at least.